A woman practice yoga
A graphic of the Messy Mat Challenge tracker, designed for mams who need support setting boundaries


Messy Mat

Go from feeling like you have no boundaries, time or a moment to breathe to discovering that the deepest depths of you can be accessed through the mess you are chasing in circles.

Messy Mat is for the mama who wants to…

  • Connect deeper with herself

  • Show her kid(s) what it can look like to self-care

  • Find rhythm in her day amongst the mess of life

  • Discover that doors don’t have to be locked, or the house emptied, or a babysitter on standby

  • find some depth and healing.

30 days on your mat, no matter the mess, no matter the vibe, no matter what.

A woman practices yoga on her mat in a shadowy room with plants

For 30 minutes…

Do anything on your mat that feels right to you,
That connects you to your body,
That deepens your breath,
That awakens your spirit.

You can breathe the whole time,
You can do yoga,
You can shake your body,
You can dance ridiculously,
You can lay flat on your belly,
You can journal,
You can stretch,
You can cry,
Scream into a pillow,
You can do all of it,
Or nothing and just stare at the wall.

As long as you’re on your mat.

Let the mess be your guide when it comes to the surface.

Enjoy the blissful pockets that you’ll find in your rhythm,

And watch how quickly everything can change when we just begin.


Begin your 30-day Messy Mat Challenge